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The Last Avitazens

The storm clouds were loud and swirled fiercely around the center of the forest near the city. The ‘King’ has begun a ritual. He cared not for the remainder of the Heavenly order. Together, the combined forces of all Five Great Schools were enough to pose a threat to him and his plans, but alone, in a tattered group, they were nothing to be concerned over. His plans involved much deeper roots, to the very core of the planet itself. To the source of everything in this reality.

“HEY-” The leader’s shout was heard before shot out of the sky like a beam and connected with a fist, directly to the king’s head, knocking him out of his ritual and through a mile of forest. Blinking up to his location effortlessly she was furious, but to her shock, as the dust settled, the King was simply standing there, dusting himself off as it was merely a minor inconvenience. The Heavenly leader’s hand was shaking slightly, her knuckles bruised and fingers slightly ajar. She had no idea what the King had just become, and he was about to educate her.

The Heavenly leader’s body flew out of the forest as the King appeared above her suddenly- “No games, little girl.” He muttered coldly as he landed a double ax hammer to her spine, sending her body shooting into the ground, dirt and rocks erupting in the forest below as a massive half-mile crater was left surrounding her tiny frame. King Perfectus descended slowly towards the scene of destruction, very clearly not concerned with any retaliation. His calmness was disturbing- cold- evil. Hoving above her as she turned herself around and began to stand up, he bellowed out “YOU SHALL KNEEL-” With a flick of his hand he sent her body slamming back into the ground, his magic far more powerful than hers at this stage.

With a struggle she began to stand up again, only to have the King suddenly slam her back onto the ground, over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. Thirty times, fifty times, one hundred times. He finally stopped and watched as the Heavenly leader began to move slowly, and with every last bit of effort left inside of her body, she stood to her feet. The King’s face changed from amusement to irritation, and he waved his hand again, as she moved hers as well, dropping to one knee, but preventing the majority of his magic pull on her body.

The Heavenly leader’s body started to glow a light green color. It was clear something was different. Something was beginning to empower her in a way the king was not pleased about. He rushed forward to stop her with his bare hands, the light green aura only seeming to absorb magic. In absolute rage King Perfectus began to assault the Heavenly leader’s body with repeated blows, over and over again, pummeling her until she began to stand up… His anger was not at her but at the planet. It was clearly choosing her over him. He was trying to take it’s power. It was his and HIS alone. Who is this child that could be chosen by the planet to stop the likes of him?

Roaring with a deep hatred he reared back and fell a heavy blow, only to be stopped entirely by her small hand, covered in a beautiful green light. “We- will never forgive you.” The king stopped his assault with a look of vexation and caution. “You are nothing! NOTHING. A CHILD. You do not deserve this power!” The king bellowed back at her. The Heavenly leader closed her eyes with a slight nod of agreement. “And neither do you-” She spoke as her words cut the sound in the air like a knife to his ears to pure dead silence. With a snap of her fingers, and a pulse of immeasurable energy, King Prefectus, and the leader of the Heavenly order, were enveloped in a blinding white light that erased all sound, thought, wind, or energy in the entire area- before collapsing in on itself, blinking both of them seemingly out of existence.

To be continued